Dulani Palihapitiya

I'm a Computer Science student at Texas Tech University who's passionate about technology and dedicated to lifelong learning. With hands-on experience in web development, I plan to become a skilled Software Engineer and contribute to innovative projects.


Campus Navigation System

A user-friendly navigation system specifically designed for TTU campus, helping students locate essential services and navigate efficiently.

Key Features
  • Interactive Campus Map with multiple views
  • Service Locator with detailed information
  • Categorized Service Directory
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Mapbox API React Geolocation Firebase Web Development Location Services Maps Integration

Job Application Tracker

Worked in a team to develop a comprehensive platform designed to help job applicants to manage their job applications, track progress, and prepare for interviews effectively.

Key Features
  • Application Dashboard with status tracking
  • Deadline Reminder System with a calendar view
  • Tracking application documents
  • AI generated resume and interview tips
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React.js Next.js Firebase User Authentication with Clerk OpenAI

Align With Me

Worked as a FrontEnd Developer to contribute to the AlignWithMe open source repository. The platform provides users with a quiz that helps them determine their political alignment respective to candidates. Enhancements include fixing overflow errors, implementing robust form validation, and optimizing the interface for mobile viewing. Leveraged technologies such as Flutter and Spring Boot to streamline backend processes and improve performance.

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Flutter Spring Boot REST API CRUD Web Development

Sign AI

An American Sign Language alphabet detection model made with using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using dataset at Huggingface. The CNN consists of two 1D convolutional layers.

Key Features
  • Classifies grayscale images of hand signs representing the 24 letters of the ASL alphabet (excluding J and Z)
  • Real time detection
  • Accuracy rate of 92%
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Python tensorflow keras mediapipe

Concrete Strength Prediction Model

Python-based application that estimates the concrete strength based on user inputs. Users can enter parameters like cement, water, and aggregate types to receive precise strength predictions along with uncertainty assessments. With Use of Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, utilized Multiple Linear Regression, Exponential Regression, and Polynomial Regression models to analyze data from a concrete compressive strength database.

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GUI for Information Delivery Robot

An Information Delivery Robot for Texas Tech that could serve as an informative device on location information and general questions. Designed the GUI and programmed the robot’s Raspberry Pi using Python to give weather information using a weather API.

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Spring Boot

Spring Boot








IT Support Assistant

Texas Tech University

May 2024 - Present

Successfully diagnosed and resolved various technical issues, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Gained hands-on experience with system reimaging, computer setup, and network troubleshooting.
Delivered exceptional support and training to end-users, improving their technical proficiency and satisfaction.

Contact Me

Don't hesitate to reach out to me through LinkedIn.

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